Monday, March 1, 2010

Rugby, Marathons and Toaster Cleaning

So this is my attempt to keep close friends and family updated on my time here at Peace House School in Arusha, Tanzania.  Check in periodically for updates, funny stories and photos of my stay here.  I hope to keep my posts short, sweet and informative.  No one wants to read a 10 page blog about can check out Macon's Blog for that.  Kidding, I haven't actually read hers, so it can't be that good can it?

I arrived in Arusha on Monday night and was swiftly picked up from the airport from Peace House driver Faustine and social worker Christian.  If my time spent with Christian during that hour and a half drive is any indication of the attitude of Peace House, then my time here will be filled with excitement, eagerness and good conversation.  I can safely say in the past week Peace House has exceeded all my expectations.  My time during the day is spent in Ernest's office (Office Manager for Peace House School) in my own little corner at my own little desk.  It takes a great man to share a work space, and he is a great man in spades.  I will post pictures soon so you can get the full effect, I will know Earnest's face better than my own before I leave.

I spent my first weekend here in Arusha attending a rugby match between Arusha and Dar es Salaam at the local gym called TGT.  It was great to take in a new sport and also get to witness the Peace House Rugby Club have a strong showing against another local school.  Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I will be helping Andre (the school's estate manager) with the rugby team.  I tried to explain to him I have no experience whatsoever with rugby, but he didn't seem to mind/care.  I'll make sure to post how much of a fool I make of myself in front of the kids, but that's what it is all about sometimes right?

Andre and Friends at TGT

TGT Rugby/Football fields

Peace House Rugby Team

This past Sunday morning, some volunteers and Peace House's running club loaded up into the Coaster (school van) and departed for Moshi, 4:50 AM.  We made the drive to attend the Kilimanjaro Marathon at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.  The Running Club and the volunteers ran the 5K and stayed to watch the half and whole marathon runners finish in Moshi Stadium.  The kids were so excited to see running on a professional level and to witness such a big event for all of Tanzania, even the Prime Minister made an appearance.

Running Club on the way to Moshi

Running Club before the 5K

Katie, Me, Kelly, Loth and Macon before the 5K

Angelo with 5K finishers

Watching the Finish Line for the 1/2 and Full Marathon

Peace House Running Club after the races

2010 Kilimanjaro Marathon

My first week here in Arusha has been spent getting used to my surroundings, meeting new people and slowly adjusting to life here in Tanzania.  The hospitality here at Peace House has been incredible to say the least, the accommodations for my stay are easily better than the cramped dorms of Gustavus.  Who knew I would have to travel to Africa for good room and board?!  The volunteers are so well taken care of here.  Our house Mama, Imackulatta (affectionately called a phonetic E-Macks for short) has taken such good care of a not-so-experienced 22-year old when it comes to living on your own.  She cleaned out the inside of our toaster.....our toaster.....who does that?!  E-Macks does that.

I'll update as I take some more photos and have some other things that are worth posting!  Tips, criticisms and general distain can be sent to "".  But seriously, please send an email if you'd like to I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Keep 'em coming, Kev - really enjoyed this!

  2. Loved the photos - looks like you tower over everyone at Peace House!

  3. Keep updating!! I really love it!!

  4. Hey Kev,

    I enjoyed reading the stories and loved the photos. Sorry I missed the gathering before you left. Will be back to read more. Keep up!

  5. Kev,
    Mary T Monkey here and her mother blogging on in the stratosphere. Frankly, I'm so jealous that you've been to the base of mt. kilamanjaro I could spit, but I/we are really happy for you. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time working and enjoying life. Way to go.

    Mary and Julie

  6. HI Kevin,
    had any fried chicken lately? ( my mom told me to say that. i don't know why.) Nice photos. I like your blog. it is funny.
    Love, mary.
